Get informed ~ Give yourself options!

Raising the bar

Options, it's always good to have options.  If you were to ask my kiddos, adults now, they'd tell you, I hope, that if I did one thing right it was to suggest that they do their best to give themselves options.  It's never fun to do something because you have no other options.

Insurance is like any other service: if you take a few minutes to get informed and compare rates, you will likely save hundreds.  Saving hundreds a year or even a month is certainly worth 15 minutes of your time, we believe.  Give yourself options, find your savings today & get free quotes from multiple companies with one call!

Common Coverages

Common auto insurance coverage made simple


Collision coverage takes care of damage to your car in the event of a covered loss, less your deductible. Whether you are at fault or not doesn't matter.


For a covered loss resulting in non-collision damage to your car, comprehensive or comp will kick in. This includes things like theft, hail or contact with an animal.


Liability refers to property damage or injury you may cause under a covered loss. Your limits usually look like this: 50/100/50 which basically means up to $100k for injuries and $50k for property.


Rental will provide you with a rental car in the event of a covered loss, whether from a collision or comp claim. This coverage usually look like this: 30/900, which is up to $30 a day or a total covered amount of up to $900.


MedPay or Medical Payments can be a tricky one. In general, this would provide coverage to anyone that is injured in your car during a covered loss. This coverage is usually listed as one dollar amount, like $5k.


In general, there is Uninsured and Underinsured coverage. This coverage will kick in for a covered loss when the other party is either not insured or if their coverage limits aren't enough to cover damages to your vehicle and injuries


We are different - Here's how


We are a licensed agency

Unlike all the comparison shopping sites out there, we are actually a licensed agency which means we have a deep understanding of your insurance.


We truly want you to find a policy

As an agency, we earn commission. We are not just trying to sell you as a lead. Our success is tied to you finding the right coverage at the right price, a true Win-Win!


Relevant and accurate content

We don't stuff our site with random insurance buzz word content. We provide relevant, accurate information to help you make an informed decision that will save you money.


Family business, truly!

I'm living a dream: Raise was founded by myself, my son and my daughter and we are all working hard to bring you solid content and easy pathways to save on insurance. We hope you follow our epic journey!

Ready to find your Savings

Our agency partner, Answer Financial, has agents standing by to walk you through a hassle-free quote. 

Let's see if we can save you some money - Call Now! 

Insurance the easy way

How it Works

Prepare for your call

We suggest getting your dec or declarations page for your current policy or your app so you can be sure we quote you with the same coverage.

Ready when you are

We will connect you directly with a licensed agent in your state that will quote your business with several of the nations top companies.

Start saving today!

In most cases it will take about 15 minutes and you can purchase your policy right away and get insurance confirmation same day,



Got questions? We've got answers


A little preparation will go a long way so we if you grab your dec page or pull up your policy on your app, should take around 15-20 minutes to find new savings!

If you want it to begin same day, then yes it can. You are in control so you tell us when you want your new policy to start.

You most certainly can and your agent will help you get your current policy cancelled so you can begin your new one.  The most important thing is to get your new in place before you cancel the old one so you don't have any gaps in coverage.

Yes, you definitely will get a refund for the unused portion of your current policy.  Your current company will prorate your refund based on how many days of the month you have used or been insured and refund you for the balance. 

We're glad you asked because every company will offer some kind of discount but we still suggest you ask your agent what discounts you may qualify for that are company specific.  Don't forget to ask because those discounts can add up and potentially save you hundreds!